About Me

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Fort Worth, TX, United States
My name is Brooke… I am currently a stay at home mom to two perfect little boys. I'm engaged to the man of my dreams. Life is crazy, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Imperfections make great stories!!

Friday, April 25, 2014

So…I haven't posted in a LONG time, but here we go: I am now a mom to TWO BOYS. 4 & 7 months. While, it is chaotic, I am loving every single moment…even if I do say boo boo and tummy and forget to take a shower for a couple days in a row…it is still the most amazing experience I have had in my short little life. The hard part right now is trying to decide when and WHERE I will go back to work…or school…who knows??? My fiancee and I are building a house!! SO EXCITED about that, which should be done around the end of june…hopefully, so I'm sure I will have PLENTY to fill my plate then…better cut this short as little brother is learning to crawl and has already destroyed the room and all the laundry that I just folded…until next time